Telling Our Stories Together

Storytelling…it’s a phrase used so much in content creation, whether video, audio, the written word or whatever else, that it has lost all connection to the profound truth that the word is meant to convey.

Our stories are all that we are, apart from our physical beings. They affect how people see and how we see other people. They affect how we interact with our surroundings, whether we feel safe, vital, and powerful or weak, defenseless., and in peril.

To say that the Wilsons are storytellers would be like saying that the Wilsons have hearts, lungs, feelings, emotions, hair (well, in Amanda’s case, anyway). What we feel allows us the privilege to offer ourselves as creators and artists is that we love to create and we love to help others do the same.

Artists are a vital part of society. At their best, they teach, they inform, they reveal, they encourage, they remind, they memorialize.

Artists should be recognized and supported. They should be saffoldeed and treasured. They should be paid. They should be protected.

In turn, artists have a responsibility to create.

Artists, creators, musicians, designers, actors, we want to help you tell your stories.

Contact us. Let’s talk.


Are You a People Pleaser


Unscrewing Coffee